Friday, January 16, 2009

Spiraling out into the Great Beyond

Well I have given in on multiple fronts. Not only have I finally started a blog, I have also recently started my SLIS program at San Jose State University. So I am once again back in school, proving that I am indeed the very definition of a perpetual student, but I am for the first time going to school while in a career at the same. Needless to say, I have quite a bit on the ole mind and am really looking forward to sharing it with whomever happens to be interested. I do fear that this capitulation along with my recent installation of itunes (Hey they got rid of DRM finally and I couldn't resist), a Playstation 3, and the adding of High Definition cable programming is the end of my longstanding denying of conformity. Oh well, what can I say, I am clearly getting old and loving toys as a result of my inability to properly process, let alone deal with my impending, age based doom.

Seriously though this blog will be a place for me to spew my thoughts, let people know what is going on in my life, and even fill you in on adventures past. The name of this blog reflects two big influences in my life, librarianship and music. I choose this name because the two words flow together nicely and because Lateralus by the band TooL is one of my all time favorite songs and reflects some of the general principles I try to live my life by. Mainly it is the idea of always trying to spiral out in life, seeing, hearing, and learning new things, meeting new people, and generally speaking constantly growing. So often in life people seemed inclined to grow upwards like a skyscraper, always reaching up for more money and so on. There is nothing wrong with but if you maintain your same personal base and are not expanding outward, when something happens you could end up like this:

What I have been doing and at first it was a constant struggle, is to always be learning something, meeting someone, interacting with this universe in someway with the hopes that the breadth of my experiences will help me find my proverbial mountain top. So far if nothing else it is really interesting and through this process I ended up working in and now making a career out of libraries. This theory (accompanied by great music and a little bit of history) can best be explained in the following video:

More on that later, in my next blog I will give a brief bio of myself and then after that I will recap people on my summer adventure to Iceland.

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