Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's Hump Day

That's right I went there, with the silly, dumb, pointless pic to kick off the daily post. Apparently to quote Queen "And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust" as three of the remaining 7vs7 competitors bit the dust giving in to Ben and Jerry's. Which by the way has a company ever gone from fringe to commercial more so than Ben and Jerry's as they are like the Nike of ice cream. Well it looks like there are only a few remaining players, I was tested today by waking up with a bit of a cold (explains the mehness last night) and no I didn't cave in I squeezed a full lemon into 8 oz of water chugged that SOB and went to the gym. I am sure I will have a much more profound analysis of the one's who didn't even make it to hump day in the challenge.

7 AM Fresh Squeezed Lemon and Water
10:30 AM Two Bananas and a bunch of Almonds
11:41 AM Left over barley and vegetables
5 PM Mashed some tomatoes threw them, water and a bunch of veggies along with some barley into a pot to make some soup.

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