Sunday, June 24, 2012

Life turns Southern

I have not written for awhile, sometimes I just am too busy or just feel I have nothing of real interest to say. I write when expired and as I lay exhausted from my 10 minute workout which will kill even those that are in shape I decided I should tell those that don't know what I have been up to. I moved from my beloved Pacific NW to Charleston, SC in February. Since then I have discovered the joys of having a sun tan year round (much less moody), dropped a bunch of wait and gotten into really good shape without going to the gym where two things always happened. One I got really strong, two I got really hurt from over doing it. This latest journey started when my girlfriend who is also a librarian wanted to get in shape and found a diet called the Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruz. In a nutshell the diet focuses on two major things, sugar intake and carb intake. Each day we have less than 15 grams of sugar and 6 servings of carbs. This is a big adjustment almost everything we eat has sugars or carbs in it but you can also just make better choices. Traditional breads have been replaced by Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted bread and snacks and treats are now things like 85% or higher dark chocolate, unsalted nuts, and string cheese. I can tell you this, the diet works I had worked my way down to 260 before the diet and since then have dropped down to 243 and managed to stay there. I have coupled this diet with working out 3-4 days a week plus doing a lot of walking. The workout is insanely simple and also insanely hard. My buddy Stan designed it and it goes like this. You build up until you can do 10 sets in a row with each set consisting of 10 pushups and 10 body squats. The trick is no rest. When I first started after being pretty inert for the past few months I could barely do 10 pushups one time and had to do a lot of knee pushups to finish. Tonite I did 10 sets with no rest in 10 minutes. It is a great quick workout and you see results within a few weeks. In other news I start my new job tomorrow working in the local public library system! I am excited to be working again! More in a week or two MG

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